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on a budget for dentistry at Aidencare

Budgeting is a concern for many people and making sure you get your money's worth is vital in this day and age. We all want quality for a good price and by this stage, you probably are aware of different dental clinics or hospitals in Shanghai.

  • Check ups vary from 300 - 750 RMB

  • Braces vary around 20,000-60,000 RMB upwards

  • Implants now vary between 2000 (!) - 15000 RMB

  • Crowns vary between 2000 - 10,000 RMB

1. But why is there so much variation?

Price can depends on these factors:

  • Who is doing the procedure?

    • Specialist? Experienced Dentist? Intern?

  • What is the material choice?

    • This is particularly relevant to Crowns, Implants

  • How difficult is the treatment?

    • This will impact the time spent but also the allocation of which dentist should be doing it.

    • This is very relevant to Implant dentistry where additional procedures may be necessary, complex rehabs and cosmetic work.

2. Is there any difference in the quality of treatment between practitioners?

Some clinics in Shanghai may have a senior dentist or orthodontist treatment plan your case, only later to find out junior dentists to be taking over your case.

I am glad to say at Aidencare I get hands-on on all my patients so they get the quality you deserve. However, we do have other dentists who can also adequately perform dentistry to the same standard. At Aidencare it is my job as dental director that all treatments are done to the same standard whoever is doing the treatment.

I do not triage patients to practitioners I believe are not suited or experienced to that type of treatment.

In other practices in Shanghai, you may be triaged to a dentist who cannot complete your case. But at Aidencare, All treatments are adequately supervised by myself and I run weekly case discussions with our team for training purposes to raise the level of dentistry not only at Aidencare but to other practitioners in Shanghai.

3. Be aware of any unexpected costs

Ever since I moved to Shanghai I have seen the dreaded tactic of luring patients in with a low cost only to find that there are a bunch of added costs throughout the treatment which would have cost the same as if you sought treatment at a premium clinic like ours (Aidencare Dental).

Classic tricks I have seen:

  • Implants: quoting only the Implant body without the crown or abutment, see my article on implants here for more details on the matter.

  • Orthodontics: Only quoting the prices of putting on the braces, not quoting Adjustments, follow up X rays or the retainers.

  • General Follow up costs: Alot of treatment requires follow ups, I rarely charge for follow ups after treatment such as periodontal treatment, Implant treatment, etc unless it has been a significant time (i.e. more than 6 months) since the treatment. This is because I feel the immediate follow ups (1 week or 1 month) are essential to the treatment success. In any event, direct questioning of these costs should be encourage to avoid confusion.

4. Working within your budget

At Aidencare we take into consideration all your requests, treatment expectations and the difficulty of treatment to make sure it can fit your budget. We have a huge team of practitioners at our disposable and are good at finding cost saving solutions for your treatment

We get a lot of requests on Dental Implants and I'm glad to say we can provide them at a very affordable price. For example, We are participating and working with the government incentive to control the cost of implants. It's this reason we are one of the top places in Asia to seek for Dental Implants, find out why here.

How much does dentistry cost at Aidencare Dental? Orthodontic and Implant treatment

To book an appointment with one of our specialists

please call 19117386506 (English)

Alternatively, scan their WeChat QR code below to

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If there are any other questions relating to this, please get In touch.

This Article was written by Dr. Oscar Sum

Dr. Oscar Sum Dentist at Aidencare

Dr. Oscar Sum is a dentist in Shanghai practising in central Shanghai who performs Implant surgery, Orthodontics, and other advanced dental procedures.

Please call 19117386506 or scan the QR code to enquire about an appointment with Dr. Sum

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